| | | |
| 3.4 XK120 | | |
| Open Two Seater | | |
| Right Hand Drive | | |
| | | |
| 660365 | | |
| W2524-7 | | |
| F2460 | | |
| JH5151 | | |
| | | |
| | | Light Green |
| 2018 | | Biege |
| Work In Progress | | Beige |
| Original | | Melbourne |
| | | Victoria |
| Original | | | Australia |
Record Creation: Entered on 6 May 2009.
Record Changes
Changes to the database entry on this car are below; they do not necessarily mean the car itself changed (hide this).
2018-08-23 18:48:00 | XK Data writes:
The record was updated:
Body Number was added: F2460Engine Number was added: W2524-7Gearbox Number was added: JH5151Top Color was added: beigeCar Condition was added: Work in progressReplacement Engine was added: originalReplacement Gearbox was added: OriginalCurrent Color was added: light greenCurrent Interior was added: biegeCurrent City was added: MelbourneCurrent State was added: VictoriaCurrent Country was added: AustraliaLast Seen was added: 2018Car History
From The Jaguar XK120 in the Southern Hemisphere (2009) by Elmgreen & McGrath
John Elmgreen (from Sydney, Australia) and Terry McGrath (Perth, Western Australia) have been extreme XK enthusiasts since the 1970s if not before. In 1985 they published "The Jaguar XK in Australia". It was described by Alan Clark (Jaguar expert, historian, Minister in the UK Thatcher government) as amongst Jaguar books "my own personal favourite" and by Jaguar automobilia expert Ian Cooling as a superb book standing "supreme in the Jaguar library as a testament to years of diligent research and scholarship". Terry McGrath is also co-author of the monumental "Forerunners of Jaguar in Australasia and SE Asia". The new book "The Jaguar XK120 in the Southern Hemisphere" is to be followed in due course by XK140 and XK150 volumes.
© Elmgreen & McGrath
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