3.4 XK120 | |||||
Open Two Seater | |||||
Left Hand Drive | |||||
January 1950 | |||||
1950 | Silver | ||||
2018 | |||||
| |||||
XKAL1949 |
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Record Creation: Entered on 30 August 2018.
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Photos of 670093
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Exterior Photos (2)
Uploaded May 2023:
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2009-12-09 15:08:52 | ferruccio camerlengo, Italy writes:
I own, imported from US, the original block of this car, currently in my
120s engines' collection.
2011-11-16 15:08:20 | ferruccio Camerlengo, Italy writes:
Incredibly I had the pleasure to check this alloy 120 end of October, 2011. It means that the world is not so big.
I have few pictures of the car, and its brass plate- of -numbers is original.
2014-01-25 03:11:15 | ferruccio camerlengo writes:
I can add further infos about 670093. I saw also the original papers of the car , imported in Germany a lot of years ago. Now the car exists in Germany. The original colour of the car was Bronze but repainted in Silver , as I saw last year. It seemed to me an older restoration.
I had that engine W 1189-8 from the stuff of team Parravano, a team based in US, from which came also the Parravano special , an alloy 120 slightly modified that I saw 2 times in Italy few years ago ( I own also the original engine of the alloy 120 Parravano special ).
2018-08-30 10:49:25 | pauls writes:
Car attended the XK70 event June 2018