3.4 XK120 | |||||
Drop Head Coupe | Light Blue | ||||
Left Hand Drive | French Grey | ||||
1953 | Black | ||||
2009 | Biscuit | ||||
Rest: Nice | French Grey | ||||
| |||||
10 more photos below ↓
Record Creation: Entered on 17 August 2009.
Record Changes
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2015-05-31 18:08:18 | XK Data writes:
The record was updated:
2015-08-28 05:06:37 | XK Data writes:
The record was updated:
Photos of 677466
Click slide for larger image. This car has 11 photos. (Dates are when image was uploaded.)
Exterior Photos (3)
Uploaded August 2009:
Interior Photos (1)
Uploaded August 2009:
Details Photos: Exterior (2)
Uploaded May 2015:
Uploaded August 2009:
Detail Photos: Interior (3)
Uploaded August 2009:
Detail Photos: Engine (1)
Uploaded August 2009:
Detail Photos: Other (1)
Uploaded August 2009:
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2009-08-17 10:59:38 | pauls writes:
Car offered at:
Sellers description:
Jaguar XK120 Cabriolet
E. Thiesen KG
colour Schwarz
interior colour Leder beige
drive LHD
type Cabrio / Roadster
year 1953
price P.O.R.
country Germany
Erstausgeliefert in die USA. Ältere Restaurierung. Seit 15 Jahren in letztem Besitz. In diesem Zeitraum wurde der Wagen ständig gewartet und verbessert. Der Motor wurde überholt, die Technik und Interieur z.T. erneuert.