XK150 | |||||
Drop Head Coupe | |||||
Right Hand Drive | |||||
VA 1591-8 | |||||
February 1960 | |||||
1960 | Red | ||||
2012 | |||||
| |||||
XEW992 | OBG588 |
3 more photos below ↓
Record Creation: Entered on 22 August 2010.
Record Changes
Changes to the database entry on this car are below; they do not necessarily mean the car itself changed (hide this).
2010-08-23 05:06:27 | XK Data writes:
The record was updated:
Photos of 827523
Click slide for larger image. This car has 4 photos. (Dates are when image was uploaded.)
Exterior Photos (3)
Uploaded May 2021:
Details Photos: Exterior (1)
Uploaded May 2021:
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2012-06-01 19:57:03 | pauls writes:
Partial history of this car is discussed in the June 2012 edition of the XK Gazette. Now said to be Dark Blue.
2012-08-04 09:10:28 | pauls writes:
Updated information in the August 2012 edition of the XK Gazette.
2021-05-31 10:06:36 | pauls writes:
Seen on facebook 6/21 posted by B.A.recovery and towing services with the caption “A stunning jaguar xk150 loaded and heading to Ireland”.