| | | |
| 3.4 XK140 | | Pastel Blue |
| Drop Head Coupe | | Red |
| Left Hand Drive | | Black |
| | | Charles Hornburg, Los Angeles |
| S818510 | | 5 May 1956 |
| G 8610-8 | | |
| P4906 | | |
| 6766 | | |
| | | |
| 1956 | | British Racing Green |
| 2015 | | Biscuit |
| Work In Progress | | Black |
| | | |
| | | Lincolnshire |
| | | | United Kingdom |
Record Creation: Entered on 2 November 2005.
Record Changes
Changes to the database entry on this car are below; they do not necessarily mean the car itself changed (hide this).
2015-10-21 05:09:02 | XK Data writes:
The record was updated:
Factory Paint Color was added: pastel blueFactory Interior Color was added: redFactory Top Color was added: blackTop Color was added: blackOriginal Distributor was added: Charles Hornburg, Los AngelesCar Condition was added: Work in progressCurrent Color was added: british racing greenCurrent Interior was added: biscuitLast Seen was changed from 2005 to 2015Factory Dispatch Year was added: 1956Factory Dispatch Month was added: 05Factory Dispatch Day was added: 052015-10-22 07:05:10 | XK Data writes:
The record was updated:
Body Number was added: P4906Engine Number was added: G 8610-8Gearbox Number was added: 6766Factory Build Month was added: 04Comments
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2015-10-17 15:51:47 | pauls writes:
Very nice article written about the car in the Oct. 2015 edition of the XK Gazette.